Using our solution should not mean you need to carry around a user manual wherever you go. Starting from the unboxing setup experience to administrative monitoring for IT professionals, to day to day use for employees, our goal is to provide both your company with an easy, uncomplicated experience.
Mi-Connect Client
The customizable Mi-Connect Client lets you tile all your applications in a simple to use interface.
Fast Deployment
The simplified Out of Box Experience lets you setup the hardware and the virtualize most applications within 45 minutes.
Nebula Other Benefits
Universal App Virtualization
Virtualize nearly 90% of existing applications on a variety of operating systems*.
*Application may require PinkByte Professional Services to virtualize
Single Development Process
Develop applications on a Microsoft X86/x64 platform with all the required processing capabilities and deploy to all connected devices using this single code base.
Administrator control panel lets you easily
Add, remove users
Add remove and manage applications
Manage All settings from any browser
Download links for devices available on login page
Single user login to access all applications
Cluster management included on the server.
From the same admin panel, manage clustered GW servers
Use GW server user profile management or connect to an AD environment to import users
One Applicance or VM can host, virtualize applications, User management, Backup and restore and attach cloud or network storage.