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Our leading edge technology doesn’t mean that it should cost an arm and a leg. We provide an enormous value to our customers because of our efficiency and our philosophy that you should only pay for things that provide value.  

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One Time User License

Unlike other solutions, you pay a single license fee for our non-hosted products and we will not require you to participate in a monthly or yearly subscription, making PinkByte one of the lowest cost application virtualization companies in the market.

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All inclusive Pricing

With our Nebula Environment, you will not pay for third party fees that are charged separately, such as Microsoft CALs, AD or RDP Licenses.

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Bulk Licensing Discount

PinkByte offers discounts on Nebula Licenses based on a quantity of licenses purchased.  We offer discounts starting at just 10 licenses.

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PinkByte Hosted Solution

Our Hosted Solution is a subscription model that allows you to pay a low monthly subscription fee (based on licenses purchased) without the need to buy and maintain your own back end network.

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Passthrough Licensing Model

PinkByte works with hardware OEMs and App Developers with special pricing and project management for those who want to incorporate Nebula into their product line with low passthrough licensing fees.


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